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Innovations in Teaching


The key role of a teacher is to teach, which can be understood as meaning to facilitate learning of some target curriculum. Teaching is therefore intimately tied to notions of learning and there is a sense that if students do not learn then whatever the teacher is doing does not deserve the label of ‘teaching’. The use of innovative methods in educational institutions has the potential not only to improve education, but also to empower people, strengthen governance and galvanize the effort to achieve the human development goals for the country.


Traditional Teaching Method: In the pre-technology education context the teacher is the sender, the educational material is the information and the student is the receiver of the information. In terms of the delivery medium, the educator can deliver the message via the “chalk-and- talk” method and LCD projector transparencies. This learning perspective is a popular technique, which has been used for decades as an educational strategy in all institutions of learning. Basically teacher controls the instructional process, the content is delivered to the entire class and the teacher tends to emphasize factual knowledge.


Innovative Teaching Methods: Following innovative learning methods are initiated and implemented by the faculty for students to learn in a better manner.

  1. Through Display of Working Models

  2. Through Software

  3. Through Display of Animation

  4. Use of ICT such as Google classroom, Video lectures, Virtual labs, Smart Boards


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