Geethanjali Alumni Association
Departmental Coordinator - Mrs. M.Umarani Asst. Professor
Welcome to Geethanjali alumni page. This is an attempt to bring together all the Alumni of GCET, Hyderabad. The Geethanjali Alumni Association is a voluntary organization formed with the following aims and objectives.
Increase the number of alumni who participate in the Geethanjali alumni lifelong community (both face-to-face and electronic).
Develop student recognition of the Geethanjali alumni lifelong community by engaging them during their campus experience.
Strengthen the presence of the Alumni Association within the College community.
Build an educational culture that facilitates alumni lifelong learning.
Geethanjali's thriving alumni communities provide a wide range of opportunities for socializing, networking and community service, and contribute significantly to the rich alumni experience that defines Geethanjali.
To interact with students, staff, faculty and with one another.
To strengthen the professional networking among alumni.
To maintain a database of Geethanjali Alumni, enabling them to reconnect with their friends.
To provide a forum for discussion of common-interest issues.
To provide a means for career networking and mentoring to both Geethanjali alumni and to current students who need guidance.