Annexure - 1.1 Analysis of the feedback on PEOs
Annexure - 1.2 Analysis of the feedback on Vision, Mission and PEOs
Annexure - 1.3 Consistency of PEOs with Mission
Annexure - 2.1 Mandatory Requirement of Credits for UG Engineering Programs
Annexure - 2.2 Procedure for writing the Course Outcomes
Annexure - 2.3 CO-PO Articulation Matrix
Annexure - 2.5 Division of marks in the evaluation of lab course under AR22 Regulations
Annexure - 2.6 Panel of Examiners for Paper Setting and Paper Valuation
Annexure - 2.7 Checklist for Evaluation of Question Paper by Department Committee
Annexure - 2.8 Question Paper Evaluation Committee
Annexure - 2.9 Format of Assignment Questions
Annexure - 2.10 Industry Supported Laboratories
Annexure - 3.1 Representation of COs - Proposed Table
Annexure - 3.2 CO Attainment indicating Assessment Tools
Annexure - 3.3 Fixing the Target Levels for the Attainment of COs and POs
Annexure - 3.4 COs attainment – Modified Procedure
Annexure - 3.5 Procedure for Computing the Attainment of POs and PSOs
Annexure - 3.6 Particulars of Workshops Conducted on Outcome Based Education
Annexure - 5.1 Details of Research Publications
Annexure - 5.2 Incentives Circular
Annexure - 5.3 Particulars of Faculty Completed Ph.D and Pursuing Ph.D
Annexure - 5.4 Particulars of Research Consultancy
Annexure - 5.5 Provision for the Appointment of Adjunct Faculty
Annexure - 9.1 Sample copies of TLP Feedback
Annexure - 9.2 Details of Self Learning Facilities
Annexure - 9.3 CACG and Placement training
Criteria wise Documents:
Part A: Institutional Information
CRITERION 1: Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives
CRITERION 2: Program Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Processes
CRITERION 3: Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes
CRITERION 4: Students’ Performance
CRITERION 5: Faculty Information and Contributions
CRITERION 6: Facilities and Technical Support
CRITERION 7: Continuous Improvement
CRITERION 8: First Year Academics
CRITERION 9: Student Support Systems
CRITERION 10: Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources
Program Specific Files:
P1: NBA accreditation reports of the past visits
P2: Department budget and allocations
P3: Admission seats filled and ranks
P4: List/ number of students who have cleared the program in 4 years
P5: CGPA (past 3 years data of students’ CGPA/Percentage)
P6: Placement and higher studies
P7: Professional society activities, events, conferences organized, etc
P9: Sample best and average project reports/ thesis.
P10: Details of student -faculty ratio.
P11: Faculty details with their service books, salary details, sample appointment letters, promotion and award letters/ certificates.
P13: List of faculty publications along with DOIs and publication/citation details.
P14: List of R & D and consultancy projects along with approvals and project completion reports.
P15: List and proofs of faculty interaction with outside world.
P16: List of classrooms, faculty rooms.
P17: List of program specific laboratories and computing facility within department.
P18: List of non-teaching staff with their appointment letters etc
P19: List of short term courses, workshop arranged and course modules developed.
P20: Records of new program-specific facility created, if any.
P21: Records of overall program specific improvements, if any
P22: Curriculum ( & copies of syllabi with COs), POs, PEOs, mission and vision statements.
P23: Mapping of course Outcomes with POs.
P24: Course files, plan of course delivery, question papers, answer scripts, assignments, reports of assignments, project reports etc.
P25: Rubrics developed to validate the POs.
P26: Improvement in curriculum for mapping POs and PSOs.
P27: Direct and indirect assessment to show attainment of POs and PSOs.
P28: Stakeholders (Feedback forms) involvement in the process of improvement of PEOs and POs.
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