Curriculum Design and Development

Curriculum development is a purposeful, progressive, and systematic process in order to create positive improvements in educational system on the lines of research advancements that are taking place in the fields of science and technology and on the societal needs at large. An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, administrators and community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for imparting quality education. Curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies that students must equip and demonstrate before advancing to the next level. There is a need to update the curriculum regularly in order to keep pace with the fast-growing technological advances and to address societal needs. Curriculum development has a broad perspective because it is not only about the institution, the students and the teachers but it is also about the development of a society in general.
The process flow for Curriculum Design is as follows:
Step 1: The Department formulates PEOs, and PSOs based on Institute’s/Department’s Vision and Mission, the NBA and AICTE guidelines.
Step 2: Internal Board of Studies Committee, consisting of Professors and senior faculty members of the Department frames and proposes the Course Structure of the curriculum keeping in view of the PEOs, the graduating outcomes defined by NBA in the form of POs, the PSOs defined by the department and sticking to the norms laid down by AICTE, UGC, and JNTUH- Hyderabad by having brainstorm sessions.
During this process the curriculum of premier institutions like NITs, IITs, IIITs, foreign universities etc. are referred. Alumni feedback is also considered during this step. During curriculum revisions, the POs’ attainments and suggestions made in PAC meetings are taken into consideration.
Step 3: The course outcomes of all the courses of the curriculum are planned according to the POs and PSOs. Then, the syllabi of various courses are framed by course coordinators.
Step 4: The feedback on the proposed curriculum is obtained from various stakeholders such as academicians, industrial experts, recruiters, alumni, parents, and faculty. The feedback is taken on a 5-point scale with 5 points for SA (Strongly Agree), 4 points for ALE (Agree to a Large Extent), 3 points for A (Agree), 2 points for ASE (Agree to Some Extent), and 1 point for D (Disagree).
Step 5: The curriculum is then discussed in Group Heads meetings to distribute the courses, linking them in a progressive way in appropriate semesters.
Step 6: The proposed curriculum and syllabi are submitted to the Board of Studies (BOS). The recommendations and modifications suggested by BOS members are incorporated. Curriculum and syllabi are then passed for approval to the Academic Council and Governing Body
Step 7: After the approval from Academic Council (AC), the curriculum and syllabi are finalized.
Process flow of the curriculum design is represented pictorially in the diagram given below.
Summary of Analysis of Feedback on AR16, AR18 and AR20

Feedback on Curriculum Design and Development
The Structure for the Under Graduate program of B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is prepared under Autonomous Regulations (AR20), after a series of deliberations made by senior faculty members of the department. The structure is prepared keeping the AICTE Model Curriculum, AR18 Structure of GCET and the curriculum offered by some of the reputed universities/ institutions as reference. The department Vision and Mission, the PEOs, PSOs and the graduating attributes defined by NBA in the form of POs are taken into consideration while preparing the Program Structure and the Curriculum.
We solicit your valuable feedback and suggestions on AR20 curriculum. Against each statement a five point scale is given. They are:
Strongly Agree (SA) - 100%,
Agree to a large extent (ALE)- 75%,
Agree (A)- 50%,
Agree to some extent (ASE), - 25% and
Disagree (D)- 0%.
Please give your opinion against each aspect by referring the AR20 Curriculum which can be accessed with the link given below and click the relevant cell. Your responses will be kept confidential and used only for the stated purp